Teen and Young Adult Recovery Blog

Top 7 Early Sobriety Tips to Thrive in Recovery

08/31/2024  |  Recovery Tools

Entering recovery is no easy task, in some ways it is even harder for young people. In our experience working with young people we have seen that if you are able to implement and follow these tips in the first 90 days of recovery, the chances for long term recovery overall improve:

  1. Make meetings a priority
  2. Go out of your way to build a support network
  3. Get a sponsor early in the process
  4. Identify people, places, and things that cause you to stumble
  5. Don’t take temporary for permanent
  6. Celebrate time sober
  7. Make sure to have fun

One Year Sober: What to expect, benefits, and suggestions

05/31/2024  |  Recovery Tools

A full year of sobriety. What an accomplishment! When we’re new, we often look at folks who have been alcohol and drug free for a year or more as the ones to look up to. They become our sponsors, our mentors, and the ones we call when we need a word of guidance.

If your next significant milestone is one year sober, give yourself a pat on the back, but don’t forget to keep recovery as the centerpiece of your life!


What to Do if You’re Feeling Worse After Getting Sober

04/30/2024  |  Recovery Tools

One of the phenomena common to the early recovery experience is to have an early “pink cloud” phase, during which we feel happy and grateful for the first few weeks, followed by a dramatic emotional downturn during which we actually feel worse after becoming sober.

On it’s face, this seems illogical – why would a decision to change for the better lead to us feeling worse?


Rock Bottom Is When You Stop Digging

03/21/2024  |  Recovery Tools

We’ve all heard the saying that you need to hit your rock bottom before we truly change. The phrase can be helpful, but it’s common to wonder what “rock bottom” really means, and why it varies so much from person to person.

The phrase "rock bottom is when you stop digging" conveys the idea that our situation begins to improve when we stop taking self-destructive actions.


How to Feel Better Without Drugs or Alcohol

03/01/2024  |  Recovery Tools

When we first sober up, and sometimes into longer-term sobriety, we all go through natural ups and downs. However, sometimes we’re struck with feelings of depression or regret that we can’t shake.

When we’ve relied on mind-changing chemicals as our sole source of relief for an extended period of time, the fear that we won’t ever be happy again can be incredibly potent.

One of the most common concerns we hear from newcomers is, “will I ever feel happy without drugs?”

Whether you've been sober for a while or whether you've just hit rock bottom, it can be tough to regain emotional stability after using drugs and alcohol regularly. In this article, we’ll focus directly on actions we can take to feel better without drugs.


Why Aftercare is So Important for Substance Use Recovery

02/19/2024  |  Recovery Tools

As a no-cost support group, not everyone we work with has gone through some kind of formal substance abuse treatment. However, among those who do, we see the success rates go up dramatically among those who recognize the importance of aftercare.

Aftercare is one of the most important elements of substance use recovery because it provides ongoing support and guidance after completing a treatment program. It helps individuals maintain sobriety, prevent relapse, and navigate the challenges of daily life without turning to substances.


9 Months Clean and Sober: Benefits, and what to expect

02/09/2024  |  Recovery Tools

Staying sober for 9 months is a big deal. In many ways, by this point we usually feel that we’ve done it – we got sober! However, there are some specific things we always like to mention to folks with 9 months clean and sober, as this chip is often regarded in 12 step recovery as “the hardest chip to get.”

By the time you’ve got 9 months sober, you will have experienced a profound transformation. Without drugs and alcohol, you’ll have clarity of mind, improved physical health, strengthened relationships, and a newfound sense of purpose.


What to Do When Sobriety Loses Its Priority

12/21/2023  |  Recovery Tools

We’ve all been there. Whether we’re in our first 30 days of recovery or we’ve got multiple years of long term recovery, we’ve all gotten “off the beam” at some point. So, what should we do when sobriety loses its priority?

Just what do we mean by this? Generally, it means that “life” has happened! We’ve gotten busy at work, we’ve become bogged down in schoolwork, we’ve become stressed about money, or perhaps a romantic relationship has taken the “number one” spot in our lives.


F.E.A.R. in Recovery: False Evidence Appearing Real

12/16/2023  |  Recovery Tools

One of the most common topics discussed in recovery is the topic of managing fear. Emerging from the haze of drug and alcohol use leaves most of us with a lot of pieces to pick up, and it often feels impossible at first. One of our favorite ways to work through this is to use the acronym for F.E.A.R.: False Evidence Appearing Real.

False Evidence Appearing Real is an acronym suggesting that we perceive threats or dangers as real or imminent, even in the absence of concrete evidence or when the evidence is distorted.


6 Months Sober: Benefits, and what to expect

09/29/2023  |  Recovery Tools

If your next milestone in recovery is 6 months sober, then congratulations! You’ve obviously made massive progress, and it’s likely that certain areas of your life have improved dramatically.

That being said, there’s much more to look forward to around 6 months sober, including physical changes, mental health improvements, and continued strengthening of your relationships.

After 6 months of continuous sobriety, one can typically expect numerous physical and mental health benefits, enhanced emotional stability, and a more fulfilling and stable life. Many individuals experience increased clarity of thought, better relationships, and start to feel growing sense of self-confidence and well-being during this period of recovery.
